Saturday, August 25, 2012

BIG Business Cannot Be Trusted

To the many that have the belief BIG businesses cannot be trusted and therefore support Obama in 08 and again in 2012.  My dear readers, do you not realize the U.S. Government is the BIGGEST business on the planet and thereby the most CORRUPT.  It along with the Federal Reserve is the dark empire!  George Lucas had this correct in his original Star Wars film scores, not the crappy remakes he's produced since becoming the epitome of the dark empire himself, but I digress...  You see I agree with you that the BIGGEST are the most CORRUPT and cannot be trusted.  That is precisely why the two headed beast that we are governed by, must be SLAUGHTERED!  Ron Paul promises a chance of this.  He is our Luke!  The force is strong with him.  The RNC is hell bent on blocking any chance of him obtaining the Presidential nomination because, alas, they only want to regain control of the two headed DISTRICT OF CORRUPTION.